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About the COVID-19: Stay Home. Log-On. Campaign

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Center for Disease Control Guidelines has forced the closures of schools nationwide.  As a result, there are growing concerns about school closures and the effects that distant learning will have on our students and their academic futures.  Although school districts have stepped in to fill technological gaps, Private phone and internet companies have stepped in to fill access gaps, but there are greater gaps within the home that must be considered, these Backstories serve as real hurdles.  Some of the gaps include language barriers, a parents’ inability to assist with assignments, a parents’ comfort level with technology, parents preoccupied with working remotely, and most importantly, students who simply choose not to log-on to virtual school.  Many students are convinced they will pass this school year whether or not they log-on, as such many have decided not to continue engaging in the learning environment.  These backstories will in fact present new challenges for parents and students in the coming school year; especially if school will not reopen as many districts have suggested, until August 2020. Students can not be allowed to disengage in the learning process until August, otherwise, not only will our youth suffer the regular Summer Slide, but they will also extend that slide with the COVID slide.

U-turn Youth will run the  COVID 19: Stay Home. Log-on Social Media Educational Campaign. The campaign will assist parents and youth in understanding the importance of ensuring all students continue to engage in the learning process through Distance learning. The Campaign will also raise awareness about the pitfalls and the possible negative long-term effects of not participating in virtual learning. 

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